creative research gallery and drawing center
a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization


manifest exhibition annual
season 15


The Season 15 Manifest Exhibition Annual

In season 15 Manifest continued to chart a course into its second decade as The Neighborhood Gallery for the World.

This was our fifth full season with expanded gallery spaces—an intimate yet museum-like sequence of five rooms of varying shapes, sizes, and personalities. Having the ability to confidently plan for 45 galleries of art across the year (nine exhibit periods times five spaces programmed for each period) once again enabled our staff to make the most of the rich options provided by our exhibit concepts and so many participating artists from around the world.

For each of our Exhibition Annuals it is important for us to explain to the reader that every exhibition at Manifest is put through a rigorous blind jury process—one which prioritizes quality over taste or style, and which by virtue of many jurors volunteering their time from across the country achieves a neutralization of any singular curatorial bias or juror prejudice. The works contained in this book, though inevitably determined in part by the artists who chose to participate and the works they offered for consideration, is also a culmination of this process of extreme selectivity. The 537 works represented here were chosen from among roughly 10,000 submitted across the year. With the obvious exception of our regional projects, and those which are restricted to student work (Rites of Passage and Master Pieces) our exhibitions are open to all artists anywhere in the world. In the exhibits documented in this book 317 artists from 40 states and 7 countries are represented.

Season 15 saw the production of 33 exhibitions. Among them are included the expanded Regional Showcase series, this time adding two focus exhibits exploring works from New England and the Gulf South side-by-side, our fifth FotoFocus Biennial sponsored project, and 10 solo exhibitions, rounding out Manifest’s customary balance between solo shows, annual projects, and unique thematic group shows. It is also worth noting that this book includes works by student artists representing 22 different academic institutions. Their inclusion emphasizes Manifest’s ongoing connection and commitment to our founding in 2004, when students and their teachers came together to establish a Switzerland-like organization—a nexus where their common ground of higher pursuit in the visual arts could be examined outside the confines of their own academic programs on common ground.

When Manifest reached its tenth year of exhibition programming we realized it was important to mark our new maturity with a declarative statement, so the decision was made to move from printing small softcover exhibit catalogs to producing the substantial and monolithic Manifest Exhibition Annual. We believe this has proven to be a much more engaging way for the public and participating artists to experience this documentation as an archive. It will also be more meaningful into the future for the artists whose work is included by cementing their place alongside that of their peers in the history of our programming, and the history of art in the world at this particular point in time.

It is my strong belief as an educator, artist, curator of exhibits, and founding director of Manifest that it is very important to distinguish between what it means to have a sense of taste (one’s personal preferences), and having a sense for quality (what one knows, objectively, to be ‘good’). The former is informed by personal experiences, biases, notions, cultural programming, and sentiment—usually for oneself as an individual. The latter is guided by detachment, study, comparison, craftsmanship, context, and understanding of principles. Those who are in a position to judge (jury) a body of work, and to plan an exhibition, serve in the role of arbiter of quality in order to present a collective whole which ends up not only greater than the sum of its parts, but also a rich opportunity for members of the public to practice their own individual sense of taste within an overall context of quality. That is what we work so hard to do here at Manifest. It is my sincere hope that this book once again serves as evidence of our success.

The pages that follow contain every work presented in Manifest’s galleries during our fifteenth season, from September 2018–September 2019. Each chapter represents an exhibition period of four weeks, divided into sections representing specific exhibits on view during that period. Each section is prefaced with the text that was included as part of the exhibition.

This publication is offered in honor of the quality achieved by each and every artist who participated, and everyone who supported the Manifest organization during our 15th season.

Jason Franz, Executive Director
Cincinnati, Ohio

View the season lineup here.

Featuring Works by these Season 15 Exhibiting Artists

Abe Abraham
John Adelman
Dohgyoung Ahn
Helmut Amann
Margery Amdur
Cody Anderson
Kim Anderson
Rob Anderson
David Andree
Jason Andrescavage
Jimmie Arroyo
Jozef Bajus
Michael Banning
Dylan Bannister
Beverly Barber
Brandin Baron
Wes Battoclette
Geoffrey Beadle
Donald Beal
Martin Beck
Nadia Belalia
Pirjo Berg
Edward Bernstein
Jason Biehner
Per Bjesse
Charles Boggs
Trudy Borenstein-Sugiura
Blake Brasher
Matthew Brennan
Katlyn Brumfied
Susan Bryant
Lisa Bryson
Christopher Burk
Mike Callaghan
Neil Callander
William Cannings
Lauren Cardenas
Jeffery Carl
Alberto Carol
Cole Carothers
Glenn Church
Katherine Colborn
Lyle Colombo
Alayna Coverly
Megan Curran
Clayton Cusak
Adrienne Dagg
Oxana Dallas
Megan Dammann
Tracy Danet
Craig Davidson
Amy Dean
Cara DeAngelis
Alyse Delaney
John DenHouter
Virmarie DePoyster
Roger Derrick
Christine Di Staola
Rachel DiCioccio
Maria DiMauro
Dana DiMuro
Adrienne Dixon
Jeanne Dodd
Kristine Donnelly
Fred Draper
Corey Drieth
Thad Duhigg
Matthew Durante
Kurt Dyrhaug
Laura Earle
Mitch Eckert
Ed Erdmann
Haley Farthing
Todd Fife
Daniel Fiorda
McGarren Flack
Frederick Fochtman
Shannon Fody
Ariana Foote
Felicia Forte

Michael Fortenberry
Sarah Fox
Susan Fraser-Hughes
Jenny Freestone
Ghislaine Fremaux
Marina Fridman
Isadora Frost
Veronique Gambier-Davis
Lorena Ganser
Martin Geiger
Gabriel Geng
Brittany Gilbert
Avram Golden
Victoria Goro-Rapoport
Janet Gorzegno
Isabel Gouveia
Tyler Griese
Ashly Griffith
James Grubola
Brandice Guerra
Tina Gutierrez
Liliana Guzman
Lindsy Halleckson
Lucy Han
Jessica Hancock
Dave Hanson
Samantha Haring
Hiroshi Hayakawa
Scott Hazard
Jennifer Hecker
Jon Hem
Devon Henlser
Ileana Hernandez
Karen Hillier
Stuart Holland
Natasha Holmes
Joseph Holsapple
Jess Holz
Ming Hong
Sam Horowitz
Mark Hosford
Kate Houlne
Marian Howard
Anlan Huang
Sean Hurley
Mary Clara Hutchison
Aneka Ingold
Ron Isaacs
Sarah Jantzi
Judith Jia
Jason John
Amanda Jones
Ashley Julian
Soyoung Jung
Blake Kennedy
Jieun Beth Kim
Yongjae Kim
Anya Kinsley
William Kitchens
Alex T. Klein
Trevor Knapp
David Knox
Rob Kolomyski
Anastasia Komarova
Brian Kreydatus
Judith Kruger
Kent Krugh
Dean Kube
Carole Kunstadt
Isabella La Rocca
Meg Lagodzki
Jessica Larva
John Lasater
Joon Hee Lee
Kristen Leonard
Robert Levy
Clayton Lewis
Dominic Lippillo
Travis Little
Angela Livezey

Alex Lockwood
Paul Loehle
Robert Long
Sam Lowe
Curt Lund
Beauvais Lyons
Eileen MacArthur
Kevin Maginnis
Perin Mahler
Anne Manley
Lara Mann
Eve Mansdorf
Michael Marling de Cuellar
Seth Marosok
Steven Mastroianni
Laura Mathews
Emily Mayo
Michael McCaffrey
Terry McKelvey
James McKenna
Leighton McWilliams
Oliver Meinerding
Armin Mersmann
Gary Mesa-Gaido
Liz Meyer
Marcus Michels
Atanas Mihaltchev
Melanie Miller
Brad Milligan
Charles Mintz
Paul Mitchell
Gabriel Mo
Damon Mohl
Amanda Morgado
Ally Morgan
Jordan Morgan
Joe Morzuch
Bob Mosier
Kevin Muente
Jamie Mulac
Mihee Nahm
Daniella Napolitano
Dora Natella
Emily Newman
Joshua Newth
Sarah Newton
Kenneth Nicholson
William Nourse
Aly Ogasian
Rhea O'Neill
Seamus O'Rourke
Claudia O'Steen
Darren Oberto
Jenniffer Omaitz
Jessica Orfe
Vesna Pavlovic
Sara Pedigo
Cory Peeke
Melanie Pennington
Bruno Perillo
Elvia Perrin
Nathan Perry
Anthony Pessler
Caroline Peters
Minna Philips
Carlton Pickett
William Potter
Bill Price
Ethan Price
Joann Quinones
Kyla Rafert
Jason Rafferty
Adam Rake
Scott Ramming
Eva Redamonti
Michael Reedy
Cynthia Reynolds
Katy Richards
A.E. Richardson
Evie Richner
Masako Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Michelle Robinson
Keith Haley Robitaille
Vanessa Rosalia Larsen
Scott Ross
Gibbs Rounsavall
Elizabeth Runyon
Christopher Ryan
Dave Ryan
Greg Sand
Laura Sanda
Joseph Santarpia
Paul Sattler
Marco Sbrocca
Lauren Scavo-Fulk
Patricia Schappler
Matthew Schenk
Jaye Schlesinger
Leah Schretenthaler
Kitty Schroeder
Kristan Schwartztrauber
Benjamin Shamback
Alix Anne Shaw
Mimi Sheiner
Bill Sieber
Kaitlyn Jo Smith
Leah Smith
Abigail Smithson
Tracy Smoll
Ahree Song
Josh Spector
John Sproul
Jack St. John
Kevin Stanford
Morgan Stephenson
Gabriel Strader-Brown
Nathan Stromberg
Kathleen Studebaker
Julio Suarez
Werner Sun
KCJ Szwedzinski
Tana Tapson
Lawrence Tarpey
Kathleen Taylor
Nathan Taylor
Jesse Thomas
Andrew Thompson
Kim Thorpe
Kathleen Thum
Sherrie Tiderington
Crystal Tursich
Nina Ulett
Leanna Urcinas
Nikki Vahle-Schneider
Cody Vanderkaay
Shara Vilagi
Duat Vu
Thomas Ward
Jonathan Ware
Julie Webb
Jake Weigel
Margi Weir
Denise Wellbrock
Jon Whitfill
Jeff Wigman
Eva Wilcke
Derek Wilkinson
Paula Willmot Kraus
Josh Winegar
Katelyn Wolary
Gretchen Woodman
Simeon Youngmann
Jenny Zeller
Hannah Zimmerman
Zelda Zinn


SEASON 15 - Exhibitions at Manifest Gallery
344 pages, 33 exhibits, 537 works of art, 317 Artists from 40 states and 7 countries:



MEA s15 shipping by late-2025!

344 pages full-color,
13" x 10",
hardcover casebound (symth sewn binding, premium laminated full-color printed cover; full color dust jacket.)

100 (discounted for pre-orders)


about the MEA 15

33 exhibits
(See exhibit listing here.)

537 works of art

317 Artists from 40 states and 7 countries including: Canada, China, England, Ireland, Norway, South Korea, and the United States. 

22 academic institutions represented by student work, including:

Alfred University
Bowling Green State University
Centre College
City University of Hong Kong
Clemson University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Parsons School of Design, New School
Purdue University
Rowan University
Sonoma State University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
SUNY Stony Brook
Syracuse University
University of Alabama-Birmingham
University of Alberta
University of Cincinnati
University of Miami Florida
University of North Carolina-Asheville
University of Puget Sound
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Youngstown State University


Through nine seasons Manifest Press produced 74 full-color catalogs documenting the works selected for every exhibit presented in our galleries. Starting with season 10 (fall of 2013) we shifted to the design of one much larger high quality hard-cover publication retrospectively documenting each entire season of exhibits, artists, and works shown.

The Manifest Exhibition Annual continues Manifest's commitment to long-term documentation and dissemination of our projects, and the expansion of physical exhibits into a broader geography and time frame, while also bringing all exhibits together under one cover each year to create a better product which will be more valuable to the public, teachers, libraries, and exhibiting artists. The book is much larger in size than our already robust INDA, INPA, and INPHA media-specific survey publications, and is designed, printed, and distributed with the same quality and attention to detail.

This commitment represented a dramatic undertaking for our small nonprofit staff. We have faced many unexpected challenges and positive changes since establishing the plan for the MEA. Once production of the retrospective books is up to speed each publication will be designed and printed within the first half of the following season, and expected to ship by the following summer. (Manifest's exhibit season runs September to September each year.

Visit Manifest Press to see past catalogs (the legacy format) and our award-winning INDA, INPA, and INPHA books.

The MEA is an optional free member's benefit option when you become a supporting member at the PHILOSOPHER level (or above) here.

Academic pricing for Manifest Press publications is available for students, professors, and institutions.

Email us here for more information.



Copyright © Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center - Manifest Press